The goal of this lecture note is to illustrate the process of abstracting a computation with a function in OCaml, and to instantiate this abstracted computation by applying the corresponding function.
Loki: Let’s play a game.
Brynja: OK?
Loki: Can you write an OCaml function that adds 1 to its argument?
Brynja: Sure:
let add_1 n =
1 + n;;
Vigfus: Should we write a unit-test function too? I mean first?
Loki: My, my. Do you see Mimer anywhere?
Vigfus: Er, OK.
Loki: Can you write an OCaml function that adds 2 to its argument?
Vigfus: Sure:
let add_2 n =
2 + n;;
Loki: Can you write an OCaml function that adds 3 to its argument?
Harald: Sure:
let add_3 n =
3 + n;;
Loki: Can you write an OCaml function that adds 4 to its argument?
Alfrothul: Sure:
let add_4 n =
4 + n;;
Loki: Can you write an OCaml function that adds 5 to its argument?
Alfrothul: There is a pattern here.
Harald: Right. The next thing Loki is going to ask is whether we can write an OCaml function that adds 6 to its argument.
Alfrothul: Which is the same elephant.
Harald: Hum.
Alfrothul: How about we parameterize this elephant?
Harald: Ah, as you did for the factorial numbers with their index to obtain a factorial function.
Alfrothul: Yup. Functional abstraction, here we come:
let add i n =
i + n;;
Harald: He, he.
Alfrothul: Right. We have abstracted the varying part of the computation with a variable, namely the formal parameter of a function.
Harald: Functional instantiations, here we come:
let add_1 n =
add 1 n;;
let add_2 n =
add 2 n;;
let add_3 n =
add 3 n;;
let add_4 n =
add 4 n;;
Alfrothul: This is so cool.
Brynja: Wait. These definitions can be simplified.
Harald: Simplified?
Brynja: Well, yes – the only thing each of them does, given an argument is to pass them to the result of applying add to a literal.
Alfrothul: How true:
let add_1 = add 1;;
let add_2 = add 2;;
let add_3 = add 3;;
let add_4 = add 4;;
Vigfus: That’s a lot shorter.
Brynja: Right – the index in each name is now the actual parameter of a call to add, which is the essence of functional abstraction and instantiations.
Loki: So, guys, can you write an OCaml function that adds 5 to its argument?
Alfrothul: Sure:
let add_5 = add 5;;
Loki: I see. Can you write an OCaml function that multiplies its argument by 0?
Harald: Er, sure:
let mul_0 n =
Loki: Clever. Can you write an OCaml function that multiplies its argument by 1?
Alfrothul: Sure:
let mul_1 n =
Loki: Clever.
Alfrothul: Wait. The next thing Loki is going to ask is whether we can write an OCaml function that multiplies its argument by 2. And then by 3.
Harald: You mean we should anticipate? Right. It’s another same elephant, let’s parameterize it:
let mul i n =
i * n;;
Vigfus: And then let’s instantiate this function abstraction with 2 to obtain an OCaml function that multiplies its argument by 2:
let mul_2 n =
mul 2 n;;
Vigfus: By which I mean the simplified version:
let mul_2 = mul 2;;
Halcyon (happily): Ditto for 3:
let mul_3 = mul 3;;
Harald: I like my definition of mul_0, though. It exploits the property that 0 is absorbing for multiplication.
Alfrothul: Likewise for my definition of mul_1. It exploits the property that 1 is neutral for multiplication.
Harald: OK. This second interlude is about done here, let’s get back to Loki.
Brynja: Wait. The next thing Loki is going to ask is whether we can write an OCaml function that, I don’t know, concatenates "a" to its argument. And then "b". And then "c".
Harald: That is likely.
Brynja: And that would be a third same elephant.
Alfrothul: Hum. You mean to say that our same elephants are a same same elephant?
Harald: Hum.
Brynja: We should parameterize our parameterized elephant into a generic one.
Vigfus (fearlessly): Let’s. Functional abstraction, here we come:
let the_generic_elephant f i n =
f i n;;
Harald: And functional instantiation, here we come:
let mul i n =
the_generic_elephant ( * ) i n;;
Alfrothul: Ditto:
let add i n =
the_generic_elephant (+) i n;;
Brynja: Ditto too, at type string, even though the naming of the formal parameters is unintuitive:
let concat i n =
the_generic_elephant (^) i n;;
Vigfus: Er, guys?
The guys: Yes?
Vigfus: Did you see the type of the_generic_elephant:
# let the_generic_elephant f i n = f i n;;
val the_generic_elephant : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c = <fun>
Alfrothul: Déjà vu, right?
Brynja: And déjà programmé, oui, I mean yes, in Exercise 2.c, back in Week 04.
Harald: Harumph.
Vigfus: Er, guys?
The guys: Yes?
Vigfus: I think we could simplify the definitions of add and mul. Look:
let add_simplified =
the_generic_elephant (+);;
let mul_simplified =
the_generic_elephant ( * );;
Harald: Harumph. But you are right. The only thing add does, given two arguments, is to pass them to the_generic_elephant (+), so yes, we can simplify it, and likewise for mul as well as for concat:
let concat_simplified =
the_generic_elephant (^);;
Brynja: Hear me saying nothing about the intuitiveness of the formal parameters of concat_simplified.
Halcyon: Well, they’re gone, right?
Vigfus: Er, guys?
The guys: Yes?
Vigfus: Actually, by that book, we can simplify the_generic_elephant too, can’t we?
Alfrothul: Well spotted, Vigfus! Indeed we can:
let the_generic_elephant f =
Harald: But its type?
Alfrothul: Well, its type has become the type of the identity function. In fact, the_generic_elephant implements the identity function.
Harald: Go figure.
Mimer: That is because OCaml computes the most general type of any term, and 'd -> 'd is more general than ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c, which is the type of the identity function over functions of type 'a -> 'b -> 'c.
Harald: Harumph. But that makes sense, and -> does associate to the right.
Alfrothul: Wait. So what would happen if we only simplified away the last argument of the_generic_elephant:
# let the_generic_elephant f i = f i;;
val the_generic_elephant : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b = <fun>
Harald: Ah, it has the type of the identity function over functions of type 'a -> 'b. That makes sense too.
Halcyon (frowning): Is it because of the identity function that it is the same elephant?
Brynja: Not necessarily. The same point applies to the parity predicates, i.e., evenp and oddp.
Vigfus: What do you mean?
Brynja: They only differ because of their base case.
Vigfus: So?
Brynja: So we can implement a generic version of parity predicates, one that is parameterized with the base case:
let make_parity_predicate zero_case n_given =
let () = assert (n_given >= 0) in
let rec visit n =
if n = 0
then zero_case
else not (visit (pred n))
in visit n_given;;
Vigfus: Ah, I see:
let evenp = make_parity_predicate true;;
let oddp = make_parity_predicate false;;
Halcyon (diligent): These implementations pass the unit tests.
Mimer: The accompanying resource file also contains a generic version of traced parity predicates.
Added the resource file [28 Feb 2020]
Added the closing bit about parity predicates [26 Feb 2020]
Adjusted some more [22 Feb 2020]
Polished the narrative, like, a lot [21 Feb 2020]
Created [21 Feb 2020]