The goal of this lecture note is to introduce mutable data in OCaml:
Fun fact: as in mathematics and unlike in imperative languages, variables do not vary in OCaml. There are, however, cases where we need a degree of mutability in the course of a computation, and that is why OCaml also features a type of mutable values: references. A reference is
Like that of options and lists, the type of a reference is polymorphic. Its name is the same as its constructor, namely ref:
REF | G |- e : t | |
G |- ref e : t ref |
DEREF | G |- e : t ref | |
G |- !e : t |
MUTATE | G |- e1 : t ref | G |- e2 : t | |
G |- e1 := e2 : unit |
In words:
First of all, let us look at the ref constructor:
# ref;;
- : 'a -> 'a ref = <fun>
We can see that it is a unary function that, given a value, returns a reference to this value:
Let us interactively construct the reference to an integer:
# ref 33;;
- : int ref = {contents = 33}
Let us interactively construct the reference to a Boolean:
# ref true;;
- : bool ref = {contents = true}
Let us interactively construct the reference to a string:
# ref "hello";;
- : string ref = {contents = "hello"}
We can construct references to any value:
for example, pairs of integers:
# ref (1, 10);;
- : (int * int) ref = {contents = (1, 10)}
for example, pairs of other ground values than integers:
# ref (33, true);;
- : (int * bool) ref = {contents = (33, true)}
for example, functions:
# ref (fun i -> i + 1);;
- : (int -> int) ref = {contents = <fun>}
for example, references:
# ref (ref "hello");;
- : string ref ref = {contents = {contents = "hello"}}
Since references are values, they can occur in other values:
for example, here is a pair of references:
# (ref false, ref 100);;
- : bool ref * int ref = ({contents = false}, {contents = 100})
for example, here is a reference to a pair of references:
# ref (ref false, ref 100);;
- : (bool ref * int ref) ref =
{contents = ({contents = false}, {contents = 100})}
References can occur in type declarations:
for example, here is the type of binary trees with mutable leaves:
type 'a binary_tree_with_mutable_leaves =
| Leaf of 'a ref
| Node of 'a binary_tree_with_mutable_leaves * 'a binary_tree_with_mutable_leaves;;
for example, here is the type of binary trees with mutable nodes:
type 'a binary_tree_with_mutable_nodes =
| Leaf of 'a
| Node of 'a binary_tree_with_mutable_nodes ref * 'a binary_tree_with_mutable_nodes ref;;
Given a reference, the ! unary operator yields the value that is referred to.
For example, given the reference to an integer, we can obtain this integer by applying ! to it:
# let r = ref 33 in !r;;
- : int = 33
For example, given the reference to the reference to an integer, we can obtain this integer by applying ! to it twice in a row:
# let r = ref (ref 33) in !(!r);;
- : int = 33
For example, here is a function that given a pair of references, returns the pair of the values that are referred to in the given pair:
# fun (r1, r2) -> (!r1, !r2);;
- : 'a ref * 'b ref -> 'a * 'b = <fun>
The infix operator :=, given a reference to a value of type t and a new value of type t, modifies the reference so that it refers to the new value. The result is of type unit.
For example, in the following expression, a reference to an integer, 1, is locally created and named r:
let r = ref 1 (* <-- creation of a reference *)
in let x = !r (* <-- dereference *)
in let () = r := 10 in (* <-- mutation of the reference *)
let y = !r (* <-- dereference *)
in x + y;;
In the scope of the declaration of r,
To wit:
# let r = ref 1
in let x = !r
in let () = r := 10 in
let y = !r
in x + y;;
- : int = 11
More atomically, we can
declare a reference:
# let r = ref 1;;
val r : int ref = {contents = 1}
mutate this reference:
# r := 10;;
- : unit = ()
dereference this reference:
# !r;;
- : int = 10
Back in Week 05 (the General interlude (continued) where the Stringy module was introduced), this Stringy module featured an imperative simulation of String.mapi in terms of
let string_mapi f s =
let i = ref ~-1
in (fun c ->
let () = i := succ !i in
f !i c)
Its rationale was that since applies its first argument to each character of its second argument from left to right, we can locally define a reference to an index, and imperatively increment this index each time the first argument is applied. The first argument of string_mapi is then successively applied
Fine-tuned the narrative of the section about string_mapi [05 Apr 2020]
Added the section about string_mapi [04 Apr 2020]
Created [24 Mar 2020]