Mini-project: Multiplying integers in a tree using an accumulator
The goal of this mini-project is to spell out how to multiply integers
in a tree using an accumulator by solving
Exercise 21 in detail.
Task 1
Explain, in your own words, the structure and the rationale of the
unit-test function in the accompanying file.
Task 2
Expand the unit-test function so that it does not just test the candidate
function on one random binary tree of integers, but on a given number of
random binary trees of integers.
(Hint: use repeat as defined in the accompanying file.)
Task 3
- Implement one more version of the multiplication function over binary trees, mult_v7,
using an accumulator and no exception.
- Verify that your implementation passes the unit tests.
- Express your implementation using binary_tree_fold (which is
defined in the accompanying file).
- Verify that your implementation passes the unit tests.
Task 4
- Implement one more version of the multiplication function over binary trees, mult_v8,
using an accumulator and an exception.
- Verify that your implementation passes the unit tests.
- Express your implementation using binary_tree_fold (which is
defined in the accompanying file).
- Verify that your implementation passes the unit tests.
[10 Jan 2023]