Mini-project: The power of recursion

Alfrothul: That’s funny...
Halcyon: Quoting Asimov, are we?
Isaac Asimov: Which is not a bad idea per se, is it?
Mimer: Prof. Asimov, thanks for coming by!
Halcyon: Huh, would you mind autographing my copy of “The relativity of wrong”?
Isaac Asimov: Sure. I’m not the Beatles, though.
Peter Landin: That’s what I told them too.

Alfrothul: Actually...

Anton: Yes?

Alfrothul: ...

Dana: Yes?

Alfrothul: Hmmmm:

let list_powermap_1_succ ns_given =
  let rec visit ns =
    match ns with
    | [] ->
    | n :: ns' ->
       succ n :: visit ns' (* visit is applied 1 time *)
  in visit ns_given;;

Anton: Yes?

Pablito (diligent): It’s an instance of Like, if it applied to a list of 0’s, it yields a list of 1’s:

let () = assert (list_powermap_1_succ [0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0] = [1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1]);;

Anton: Yes.

Pablito: And we can easily generalize this test:

let () = assert (let n = 10
                 in list_powermap_1_succ (List.init n (fun i -> 0)) = List.init n (fun i -> 1));;

Alfrothul: Actually, what if we didn’t apply visit at all?

Anton (o_O): Not apply visit at all.

Alfrothul: Well, yes:

let list_powermap_0_succ ns_given =
  let rec visit ns =
    match ns with
    | [] ->
    | n :: ns' ->
       succ n :: ns' (* visit is applied 0 times *)
  in visit ns_given;;

Anton: Ah, you mean that we could apply it 0 times. Well, why not twice, for that matter:

let list_powermap_2_succ ns_given =
  let rec visit ns =
    match ns with
    | [] ->
    | n :: ns' ->
       succ n :: visit (visit ns') (* visit is applied 2 times *)
  in visit ns_given;;

Dana (playfully): Or thrice, while we are at it:

let list_powermap_3_succ ns_given =
  let rec visit ns =
    match ns with
    | [] ->
    | n :: ns' ->
       succ n :: visit (visit (visit ns')) (* visit is applied 3 times *)
  in visit ns_given;;

Mimer: Er... Grasshoppers? You are departing from structural recursion here. Do your functions terminate?

Alfrothul: Well, list_powermap_1_succ does, since it is structurally recursive on the given list, and lists are finite.

Pablito: And list_powermap_0_succ does too since its visit function is not even recursive.

Halcyon: In FPP, there is a saying – beware of induction proofs that do not use their induction hypothesis, for they are proofs by case in disguise.

Dana: Wow, Halcyon.

Halcyon (with dignity): Well, I read.

Anton: And what does that mean here?

Halcyon: I am still working on the part where programming is proving and proving is programming, but somehow the saying seemed relevant here.

Alfrothul: And it is, since in a structurally recursive function, the recursive calls implement the induction hypotheses.

Dana: Right: in the definition of list_powermap_0_succ, visit can be declared with a let instead of with a let rec, and indeed it has two cases. It maps an empty list of integers to the empty list, and a nonempty list of integers to a nonempty list with the same tail and with the head, incremented.

Halcyon: So it is defined by cases.

Alfrothul: And the saying applies – beware of recursive functions that make no recursive calls, for they are non-recursive functions in disguise.

Anton: Which doesn’t sound as spiffy. How about: beware of recursive functions that make no recursive calls, for they are conditional functions in disguise. Naah. Non-recursive conditional functions? Conditional non-recursive functions?

Dana: Beware of recursive functions that make no recursive calls, for they are merely defined by cases? Either way, the saying was relevant, so thanks, Halcyon.

Halcyon: Well, it did seem relevant.

Dana: As to whether list_powermap_2_succ and list_powermap_3_succ terminate, they should, since they preserve the length of their input list.

Mimer: Good enough.

Task 1

Pablito: Easy does it.
  1. Analyze the outputs of list_powermap_0_succ, list_powermap_1_succ, list_powermap_2_succ, and list_powermap_3_succ, and characterize them in a simple way, sticking to Pablito’s constant list of 0’s as input.
  2. Implement a list_powermap_4_succ function where visit is applied 4 times and check whether your characterization applies.

Task 2

Implement the simple characterization of Task 1 as a simple and telling unit test (one unit test for list_powermap_0_succ, one unit test for list_powermap_2_succ, one unit test for list_powermap_3_succ, and one unit test for list_powermap_4_succ), still sticking to Pablito’s constant list of 0’s as input.

Task 3

Mutatis mutandis, implement a list_powermap_5_succ function where visit is applied 5 times, implement the corresponding simple and telling unit test, and verify that your implementation passes your unit test.

Task 4

Generalize the simple characterization of Task 1 when the input is not a constant list of 0’s but a constant list of any given integer, e.g.,

  • [1; 1; 1; 1; ...]
  • [2; 2; 2; 2; ...]
  • [-2; -2; -2; -2; ...]
  • [3; 3; 3; 3; ...]
  • [-3; -3; -3; -3; ...]
  • ...

Implement the corresponding generalized unit test.

Task 5

Generalize further the generalization of Task 4 when the input is not a constant list of any given integer but any arbitrary list. For example, given any deterministic OCaml function g : int -> int (i.e., a function that doesn’t involve the Random library), such a list could be obtained using List.init. To wit:

# List.init 5 succ;;
- : int list = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5]
# List.init 10 pred;;
- : int list = [-1; 0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8]
# List.init 15 (fun i -> i * i);;
- : int list = [0; 1; 4; 9; 16; 25; 36; 49; 64; 81; 100; 121; 144; 169; 196]

Implement the corresponding generalized generalized unit test.

Task 6

Generalize the list_powermap functions into one function that is parameterized by the function to map, so that, for any given ns : int list,

  • list_powermap_0 succ ns and list_powermap_0_succ ns are observationally equivalent;
  • list_powermap_1 succ ns and list_powermap_1_succ ns are observationally equivalent;
  • list_powermap_2 succ ns and list_powermap_2_succ ns are observationally equivalent;
  • etc.

(N.B.: The resulting functions are polymorphic.)

Verify that the resulting functions still pass the previous unit tests, and design some new unit tests.

Task 7

As in La même chose, with a little help from OCaml from Week 05 for the factorial function, parameterize the series of definitions from Task 6 (namely list_powermap_0 and friends) with the index and conflate it into one single definition, i.e., implement a function list_powermap that is such that, for any given function f : 'a -> 'a and any vs : 'a list,

  • list_powermap 0 f vs and list_powermap_0 f vs are observationally equivalent;
  • list_powermap 1 f vs and list_powermap_1 f vs are observationally equivalent;
  • list_powermap 2 f vs and list_powermap_2 f vs are observationally equivalent;
  • etc.

Verify that the resulting function still passes the previous unit tests, and design some new unit tests.

Task 8

At the end of the day, what is the power of list_powermap (and of nested recursive calls)?

Loki (to himself): High time for a powernap.



Created [14 Oct 2022]