Food for thought

  • how did the overall design of Intro to CS work for you:

    – to be introduced to Computer Science

    – in your liberal arts and science education

    – otherwise

  • how did the specific design of Intro to CS work for you:

    – in the alloted 12.5 hours / week

    – outside the alloted 12.5 hours / week

  • do you now concur that there is more to Computer Science than “coding”, just like there is more to Mathematics than counting and there is more to literature than writing?

  • a funny symmetry:

    – the cup of the students should not be full already, so that they have room to learn

    – symmetrically, the teacher should make room for the students to grow


Mentioned literature too [16 Apr 2023]

Updated [21 Jan 2023]

Corrected “12 hours” to “12.5 hours” [11 Jan 2023]

Created [10 Jan 2023]

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