how did the overall design of Intro to CS work for you:
– to be introduced to Computer Science
– in your liberal arts and science education
– otherwise
how did the specific design of Intro to CS work for you:
– in the alloted 12.5 hours / week
– outside the alloted 12.5 hours / week
do you now concur that there is more to Computer Science than “coding”, just like there is more to Mathematics than counting and there is more to literature than writing?
a funny symmetry:
– the cup of the students should not be full already, so that they have room to learn
– symmetrically, the teacher should make room for the students to grow
Mentioned literature too [16 Apr 2023]
Updated [21 Jan 2023]
Corrected “12 hours” to “12.5 hours” [11 Jan 2023]
Created [10 Jan 2023]