Generic programming with natural numbers

The goal of this lecture note is to explore the pattern of structural recursion associated with natural numbers.


The big picture

Overall, for a variety of examples (twice, add, mul, power, evenp, oddp, nat_of_digits), we have specified a computation by mathematical induction, and then we have implemented the corresponding function in OCaml by structural recursion. In each case, we started from the following skeleton:

let ... n =
  let () = assert (n >= 0) in
  let rec visit i =
    if i = 0
    then ...
    else let i' = pred i
         in let ih = visit i'
            in ...
  in visit n;;

We then proceeded by

  • naming the OCaml function,
  • implementing the base case, and
  • implementing the induction step.

Let us abstract this skeleton into a polymorphic OCaml function, traditionally named “fold_right” (down the road, we will meet its cousin “fold_left”) and prefixed with “nat” (the name of the type of natural numbers, i.e., non-negative integers here):

let nat_fold_right zero_case succ_case n =
 (* nat_fold_right : 'a -> ('a -> 'a) -> int -> 'a *)
  let () = assert (n >= 0) in
  let rec visit i =
    if i = 0
    then zero_case
    else let i' = pred i
         in let ih = visit i'
            in succ_case ih
  in visit n;;

(Incidentally, in the induction step, the let-expressions that declare i' and ih, in the definition of visit, are cosmetic and so we could unfold them.)

Given a zero case zero_specific, a successor case succ_specific, and, e.g., the non-negative integer 3, i.e., the result of evaluating:

succ (succ (succ 0))

nat_fold_right essentially yields the result of evaluating:

succ_specific (succ_specific (succ_specific zero_specific))

In words, given a non-negative integer n represented as n, evaluating nat_fold_right zero_specific succ_specific n recursively gives rise to n nested applications of succ_specific that mimic the n nested occurrences of succ that constructed n.

The type of nat_fold_right is 'a -> ('a -> 'a) -> int -> 'a:

  • The type of its first argument is determined by the type of its result since evaluating nat_fold_right z s 0 gives rise to zero applications of s to z, i.e., to z. So the type of its first argument is the same as the type of its result, and since this type is unconstrained, it is the type variable 'a.
  • The type of its second argument is determined by the type of its first argument and by the type of the result since evaluating, e.g., nat_fold_right z s 1 gives rise to one application of s to z, i.e., to s z. Since the type of z is 'a and the type of the result is also 'a, the type of s is 'a -> 'a.
  • The type of its third argument is int.


As a function that, given z, s, and n, preserves the structure of its non-negative input (i.e., succ (succ (... (succ 0)...)), n times) into the structure of its output (i.e., s (s (... (s z)...)), n times), nat_fold_right implements a homomorphism.

As an abstraction of a skeleton, nat_fold_right is said to be a “generic” function and programming with fold functions is said to be “generic”.

Doubling up a natural number, revisited

The inductive specification of twice reads as follows:

  • base case (i = 0): doubling up 0 yields 0
  • induction step (i = succ i’): given a number i' such that doubling it yields ih (which is the induction hypothesis), doubling succ i' is achieved with succ (succ ih)

This specification suggests that we could implement twice as an instance of nat_fold_right:

let twice_gen n =
  nat_fold_right 0 (fun ih -> succ (succ ih)) n;;

This generic implementation passes the unit test:

# test_twice twice_gen;;
- : bool = true

Adding a natural number to an integer, revisited

The inductive specification of add reads as follows, given an integer y:

  • base case (i = 0): adding 0 to y yields y
  • induction step (i = succ i’): given a number i' such that adding it to y yields ih (which is the induction hypothesis), adding succ i' to y is achieved with succ ih

This specification suggests that we could implement add as an instance of nat_fold_right:

let add_gen x y =
  nat_fold_right y (fun ih -> succ ih) x;;

This generic implementation passes the unit test:

# test_add add_gen;;
- : bool = true

Express interlude

Pablito: Hehe, even shorter:

let add_gen' x y =
  nat_fold_right y succ x;;

Halcyon: And it passes the unit test too:

# test_add add_gen';;
- : bool = true

Multiplying a natural number with an integer, revisited

The inductive specification of mul reads as follows, given an integer y:

  • base case (i = 0): multiplying 0 and y yields 0
  • induction step (i = succ i’): given a number i' such that multiplying it to y yields ih (which is the induction hypothesis), multiplying succ i' and y is achieved with y + ih

This specification suggests that we could implement mul as an instance of nat_fold_right:

let mul_gen x y =
  nat_fold_right 0 (fun ih -> y + ih) x;;

This generic implementation passes the unit test:

# test_mul mul_gen;;
- : bool = true

Express interlude

Pablito: Hehe, even shorter:

let mul_gen' x y =
  nat_fold_right 0 ((+) y) x;;

Halcyon: And it passes the unit test too:

# test_mul mul_gen';;
- : bool = true

Pablito: Or equivalently:

let mul_gen'' x y =
  nat_fold_right 0 (Int.add y) x;;

Exponentiating two integers, revisited

The inductive specification of exponentiation read as follows, given an integer x:

  • base case (i = 0): exponentiating x with 0 yields 1
  • induction step (i = succ i’): given a number i' such that exponentiating x with i' yields ih (which is the induction hypothesis), exponentiating x with succ i' is achieved with x * ih

Exercise 04

Along the lines of the previous sections, implement the exponentiation function as an instance of nat_fold_right.

The even predicate, revisited

The inductive specification of how to test whether a natural number is even read as follows:

  • base case (i = 0): 0 is even
  • induction step (i = succ i’): given a number i' such that its evenness is the Boolean ih (which is the induction hypothesis), the evenness of succ i' is computed with not ih

This specification suggests that we could implement evenp as an instance of nat_fold_right:

let evenp_gen n =
  nat_fold_right true (fun ih -> not ih) n;;

This implementation passes the unit test:

# test_evenp evenp_gen;;
- : bool = true

The odd predicate, revisited

The goal of this section is to write a predicate computing whether a given natural number is odd.

Exercise 05

Along the lines of the previous section, implement the oddp predicate as an instance of nat_fold_right.

Exercise 06

Along the lines of the previous section, implement make_parity_predicate (from the Post-post-postlude in the chapter about Functional abstraction and instantiations) as an instance of nat_fold_right.


Alfrothul: Wow.

Anton: Wow?

Alfrothul: Exercise 01, in Week 05, was really prescient.

Anton: Prescient?

Alfrothul: Well, yes. Look at Question f.:

  1. If we add 1 to the left n times, iteratively and starting with 1, which integer do we obtain? (Put otherwise, what is the result of 1 + (1 + (1 + ... (1 + (1))...)), where “1 + (” and the matching ”)” occur n times?)

Anton: Yes?

Alfrothul: We can express this question as an OCaml function:

let week_05_exercise_1f n =
  let () = assert (n >= 0) in
  nat_fold_right 1 (fun i -> 1 + i) n;;

Anton: True that. Given a non-negative integer n, this function adds 1 to the left n times, starting with 1.

Pablito: Hehe, even shorter:

let week_05_exercise_1f n =
  let () = assert (n >= 0) in
  nat_fold_right 1 succ n;;

Alfrothul: Indeed. Though if you want shorter, here is shorter:

let week_05_exercise_1f n =
  nat_fold_right 1 succ n;;
There is always a bigger fish.

Qui-Gon Jinn

Pablito: Come again?

Anton: Well, nat_fold_right checks whether its last argument is non-negative.

Pablito: Harrumph.

Alfrothul: At any rate, we can now use OCaml to answer the question:

# week_05_exercise_1f 3;;
- : int = 4
# week_05_exercise_1f 10;;
- : int = 11

Alfrothul: Right. We get an implementation of the successor function.

Anton: So nat_fold_right really implements an iterator for natural numbers.

Pablito: Let me check, let me check.

Alfrothul: By all means.

Pablito: So, Question h.:

  1. In the same vein, if we add 2 to the left n times, iteratively and starting with 0, which integer do we obtain? (Put otherwise, what is the result of 2 + (2 + (2 + ... (2 + (0))...)), where “2 + (” and the matching ”)” occur n times?)

Pablito: Lemmesee:

let week_05_exercise_1h n =
  nat_fold_right 0 (fun i -> 2 + i) n;;

Anton: So doubling is iterating the addition of 2, starting with 0.

Pablito: Testing, testing:

# test_twice week_05_exercise_1h;;
- : bool = true

Pablito: So the definition of week_05_exercise_1h and the definition of twice_v4 in the section about doubling up a natural number, revisited are the same.

Food for thought

  1. Verify that the algorithms in Exercise 01.1.j, Exercise 01.1.k, and Exercise 01.1.l in Week 05, are the same as the definitions of mul_gen in the section about multiplying a natural number with an integer, revisited, add_gen in the section about adding a natural number to an integer, revisited, and your solution for Exercise 04 in Week 06, respectively.
  2. Using nat_fold_right, verify your solution for Exercise 01.1.l in Week 05.
  3. If doubling is iterating the addition of 2, starting with 0,
    • adding is iterating what, starting with what?
    • multiplying is iterating what, starting with what?
    • exponentiating is iterating what, starting with what?

Exercise 07

The goal of this exercise is to understand each of the following four OCaml functions:

let f0 n =
  nat_fold_right 0 (fun ih -> 10 * ih) n;;

let f1 n =
  nat_fold_right 0 (fun ih -> ih + 10) n;;

let f2 n =
  nat_fold_right 1 (fun ih -> 2 * ih) n;;

let f3 n =
  let (b0, _, _) = nat_fold_right
                     (true, false, false)
                     (fun (b0, b1, b2) ->
                       (b1, b2, b0))
  in b0;;
  1. Analyzing the text of these definitions, try to venture a guess about what each of these OCaml functions compute.

  2. Use the scientific method:

    1. Make a few observations by applying each OCaml function to a few input values.
    2. State a hypothesis.
    3. Test your hypothesis on other input values (and iterate the scientific method if your hypothesis is invalidated).

    Your answers should be concretized as unit-test functions.

  3. Implement four structurally recursive functions that are equivalent to the four OCaml functions above:

    let f0_rec n =
    let f1_rec n =
    let f2_rec n =
    let f3_rec n =



Fleshed out Exercise 07 some more and aligned it with Exercise 29 [18 Feb 2023]

Killed a minor darling, to celebrate Valentine’s day [14 Feb 2023]

Created [10 Jan 2023]