The goal of this lecture note is to revisit the chapter about The proof is trivial (variations on a theme) in Week 04 in the light of OCaml’s data types.
We consider the following BNF, where the notation {something}? means “zero or one occurrence of something”:
In the accompanying resource file, the BNF is implemented as an OCaml data type:
type capitalized_adverb =
Capitalized_adverb of string;;
type phrasal_verb_in_imperative_form =
Phrasal_verb of string;;
type article_and_adjective =
Article_and_adjective of string;;
type noun_of_set =
Noun_of_set of string;;
type in_relation_to =
In_relation_to of string;;
type adjective =
Adjective of string;;
type noun_of_elements =
Noun_of_elements of string;;
type closing_qualifier =
Closing_qualifier of string;;
type proof =
Proof of capitalized_adverb * phrasal_verb_in_imperative_form * (article_and_adjective * noun_of_set) * in_relation_to * (adjective option * noun_of_elements) * closing_qualifier option;;
The resource file also contains a generator of random proofs and the following unparser:
let show_proof p =
match p with
| Proof (Capitalized_adverb ca,
Phrasal_verb pviif,
(Article_and_adjective aaa,
Noun_of_set nos),
In_relation_to irt,
Noun_of_elements noe),
ocq) ->
let a = (match oa with
| Some (Adjective a) ->
a ^ " "
| None ->
and cq = (match ocq with
| Some (Closing_qualifier cq) ->
", " ^ cq
| None ->
in "The proof is trivial! " ^ ca ^ " " ^ pviif ^ " " ^ aaa ^ " " ^ nos ^ " " ^ irt ^ " " ^ a ^ noe ^ cq ^ ".";;
The grammatical correctness of a proof corresponds to the type correctness of its OCaml representation.
Created [15 Oct 2022]