Lazy lists
Here is the type of polymorphic lazy lists:
type 'a lazy_list =
| Lnil
| Lcons of 'a * 'a lazy_list Lazy.t;;
Lnil is a zero-ary constructor that represents the empty lazy list; and
Lcons is a binary constructor that, given
- a value v and
- a suspension that, when forced, yields a lazy list,
constructs a lazy list that starts with v and whose tail is
represented by the suspension and thus not computed yet.
For example, Lnil has a polymorphic type:
# Lnil;;
- : 'a lazy_list = Lnil
And nonempty lazy lists, e.g., of integers, are constructed with
# Lcons (0, lazy Lnil);;
- : int lazy_list = Lcons (0, lazy Lnil)
# Lcons (1, lazy (Lcons (0, lazy Lnil)));;
- : int lazy_list = Lcons (1, <lazy>)
Ditto for nonempty lazy lists, e.g., of Booleans:
# Lcons (true, lazy Lnil);;
- : bool lazy_list = Lcons (true, lazy Lnil)
# Lcons (false, lazy (Lcons (true, lazy Lnil)));;
- : bool lazy_list = Lcons (false, <lazy>)
Exercise 03
So int lazy_list is the type of lazy lists of integers and bool lazy_list is
the type of lazy lists of Booleans.
- What is the type of lazy lists of strings?
Exhibit a simple OCaml expression with that type.
- What is the type of lazy lists of pairs of integers and Booleans?
Exhibit a simple OCaml expression with that type.
- What is the type of lazy lists of lists of integers?
Exhibit a simple OCaml expression with that type.
- What is the type of lists of lazy lists of integers?
Exhibit a simple OCaml expression with that type.
- What is the type of lazy lists of lazy lists of integers?
Exhibit a simple OCaml expression with that type.
- What is the type of lazy lists of functions that map integers to integers?
Exhibit a simple OCaml expression with that type.
- What is the type of lazy lists of functions that map strings to integers?
Exhibit a simple OCaml expression with that type.
- What is the type of lazy lists of polymorphic values?
Exhibit a simple OCaml expression with that type.
- What is the type of lazy lists of lazy lists of polymorphic values?
Exhibit a simple OCaml expression with that type.
- What is the type of lazy lists of lists of polymorphic values?
Exhibit a simple OCaml expression with that type.
- What is the type of lists of lazy lists of polymorphic values?
Exhibit a simple OCaml expression with that type.
[27 Oct 2022]