Programming with streams

Let us continue to explore streams, based on the same infrastructure as in the previous lecture note:

  • a polymorphic type for streams:

    type 'a stream = Scons of 'a * 'a stream Lazy.t;;
  • a stream maker, out of an initial seed and an endofunction:

    let stream_make seed_given next =
     (* stream_make : 'a -> ('a -> 'a) -> 'a stream *)
      let rec emanate seed_current =
           (* emanate : 'a -> 'a stream *)
        Scons (seed_current, lazy (emanate (next seed_current)))
      in emanate seed_given;;
  • the stream of natural numbers, the stream of even natural numbers, and the stream of odd natural numbers:

    let nats = stream_make 0 succ;;
    let evens = stream_make 0 (fun i -> i + 2);;
    let odds = stream_make 1 (fun i -> i + 2);;
  • two stream accessors – one for the head, and one for the tail:

    let shd (Scons (v, _)) =
     (* shd : 'a stream -> 'a *)
    let stl (Scons (_, ds)) =
     (* stl : 'a stream -> 'a stream *)
      Lazy.force ds;;
  • a function mapping the first elements of a stream into a list, in the same order:

    let stream_prefix s n =
     (* stream_prefix : 'a stream -> int -> 'a list *)
      assert (n >= 0);
      let rec visit n (Scons (v, ds')) =
        if n = 0
        then []
        else let ih = visit (pred n) (Lazy.force ds')
             in v :: ih
      in visit n s;;

The rest of this lecture note is dedicated to stream transducers, i.e., functions mapping streams to other streams.


Example: duplicating the elements of a stream

Here is how we had defined a function that duplicates the elements of any given list:

let stutter2 vs_given =
 (* stutter2 : 'a list -> 'a list *)
  let rec visit vs =
       (* visit : 'a list -> 'a list *)
    match vs with
    | [] ->
    | v :: vs' ->
       let ih = visit vs'
       in v :: v :: ih
  in visit vs_given;;

By analogy, let us implement a function that duplicates the elements of any given stream.

To test this function, we should verify that it gives the stream analogue of stutter2, which we can do by constructing the prefix of the result—a prefix which is twice as long as the initial list, due to the stuttering:

let test_stream_stutter2 candidate =
  let b0 = (let n = 100
            in stream_prefix (candidate nats) (2 * n)
               = stutter2 (iota n))
  (* etc. *)
  in b0;;

(Reminder: iota maps a non-negative integer n to the increasing list of the first n non-negative integers.)

The solution is to recursively traverse the given stream and to construct a resulting stream where each element of the given stream is duplicated:

let rec stream_stutter2 (Scons (v, ds)) =
  Scons (v, lazy (Scons (v, lazy (stream_stutter2 (Lazy.force ds)))));;

This implementation passes the unit test:

# test_stream_stutter2 stream_stutter2;;
- : bool = true

Mapping functions over streams

The goal here is to implement the analogue of the map function for streams, after studying it for strings (see Exercise 02 in Week 05), for lists (see The map function over polymorphic lists in Week 09), and for binary trees (see The map function over polymorphic binary trees in Week 11).

Here is a simple unit-test function that tests whether mapping the successor function over the increasing stream of natural numbers yields the increasing stream of positive natural numbers, and whether mapping the twice function over the increasing stream of natural numbers yields the increasing stream of even natural numbers:

let test_stream_map candidate =
  let b0 = (let n = 100
            in stream_prefix (candidate succ nats) n = stream_prefix posnats n)
  and b1 = (let n = 100
            in stream_prefix (candidate (fun i -> 2 * i) nats) n = stream_prefix evens n)
  in b0 && b1;;

We proceed recursively over the stream, as for lazy lists but without a base case:

let stream_map f s =
 (* stream_map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a stream -> 'b stream *)
  let rec visit (Scons (v, ds)) =
       (* visit : 'a stream -> 'b stream *)
    Scons (f v, lazy (visit (Lazy.force ds)))
  in visit s;;

This implementation passes the unit tests:

# test_stream_map stream_map;;
- : bool = true

For the same price, we can define a map function over two streams:

let stream_map2 f s1 s2 =
 (* stream_map2 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a stream -> 'b stream -> 'c stream *)
  let rec visit2 (Scons (v1, ds1)) (Scons (v2, ds2)) =
       (* visit2 : 'a stream -> 'b stream -> 'c stream *)
    Scons (f v1 v2, lazy (visit2 (Lazy.force ds1) (Lazy.force ds2)))
  in visit2 s1 s2;;

We can then verify that adding pointwise the elements of the stream of non-negative integers and of the stream of non-positive integers yields the stream of zeroes:

# stream_prefix (stream_map2 (fun p n -> p + n) (stream_make 1 succ) (stream_make ~-1 pred)) 10;;
- : int list = [0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0]

In other words, stream_map2 implements the dot-product of two streams.

Interlude about stream_powermap

Alfrothul: I wonder:

let stream_powermap_1 f s =
  let rec visit (Scons (v, ds)) =
    Scons (f v, lazy (visit (Lazy.force ds)))
  in visit s;;

Anton: Oh, yeah:

let stream_powermap_0 f s =
  let rec visit (Scons (v, ds)) =
    Scons (f v, lazy (Lazy.force ds))
  in visit s;;

Dana: I feel you, guys:

let stream_powermap_2 f s =
  let rec visit (Scons (v, ds)) =
    Scons (f v, lazy (visit (visit (Lazy.force ds))))
  in visit s;;

let stream_powermap_3 f s =
  let rec visit (Scons (v, ds)) =
    Scons (f v, lazy (visit (visit (visit (Lazy.force ds)))))
  in visit s;;

Mimer: Er... Grasshoppers?

Pablito: This is so much fun. Let’s apply these functions to the stream of 0’s:

# stream_prefix (stream_powermap_2 succ (stream_make 0 (fun i -> i))) 10;;
- : int list = [1; 2; 4; 8; 16; 32; 64; 128; 256; 512]
# stream_prefix (stream_powermap_1 succ (stream_make 0 (fun i -> i))) 10;;
- : int list = [1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1]
# stream_prefix (stream_powermap_0 succ (stream_make 0 (fun i -> i))) 10;;
- : int list = [1; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0]

Halcyon (nonchalant): In FPP, there is a saying – beware of coinduction proofs that do not use their coinduction hypothesis.

Mimer: There is?

Filtering out

The goal here is to write a stream transducer, that given a predicate (i.e., a Boolean-returning function), filters out the elements of the input stream that satisfy the predicate.

For example, filtering out the odd numbers in the stream of natural numbers yields the stream of even numbers, and filtering out the even numbers in the stream of natural numbers yields the stream of odd numbers:

let test_stream_filter_out candidate =
  let b0 = (stream_prefix (candidate (fun i -> i mod 2 = 1) nats) 20
            =  stream_prefix evens 20)
  and b1 = (stream_prefix (candidate (fun i -> i mod 2 = 0) nats) 20
            = stream_prefix odds 20)
  (* etc. *)
  in b0 && b1;;

Food for thought:

  • What is the result of applying stream_filter_out to (fun i -> i mod 2 = 0) and to the stream of even numbers?
  • What is the result of applying stream_filter_out to a predicate that always returns true?

Here is a straight version with stream accessors:

let stream_filter_out_v0 p xs_given =
  let rec visit xs =
    if p (shd xs)
    then visit (stl xs)
    else Scons (shd xs, lazy (visit (stl xs)))
  in visit xs_given;;

This straight version passes the unit test:

# test_stream_filter_out stream_filter_out_v0;;
- : bool = true

Here is a version where the result of the accessors is named:

let stream_filter_out_v1 p xs_given =
  let rec visit xs =
    let x = shd xs
    and xs' = stl xs
    in if p x
       then visit xs'
       else Scons (x, lazy (visit xs'))
  in visit xs_given;;

This version with names also passes the unit test:

# test_stream_filter_out stream_filter_out_v1;;
- : bool = true

Here is a version that uses a match-expression instead of accessors:

let stream_filter_out_v2 p xs_given =
  let rec visit xs =
    match xs with
    | Scons (x, dxs') ->
       if p x
       then visit (Lazy.force dxs')
       else Scons (x, lazy (visit (Lazy.force dxs')))
  in visit xs_given;;

This version with a match-expression also passes the unit test:

# test_stream_filter_out stream_filter_out_v2;;
- : bool = true

And here is a version where pattern matching is carried out not with a match-expression but in the header of the local recursive function:

let stream_filter_out_v3 p xs_given =
  let rec visit (Scons (x, dxs')) =
    if p x
    then visit (Lazy.force dxs')
    else Scons (x, lazy (visit (Lazy.force dxs')))
  in visit xs_given;;

This final version also passes the unit test:

# test_stream_filter_out stream_filter_out_v3;;
- : bool = true

All these versions differ only because of their syntactic sugar: they are compiled to the same object program.

Exercise 23

Write a stream transducer, stream_filter_in, that given a predicate, filters in the elements of the input stream that satisfy the predicate.

For example, filtering in the odd numbers in the stream of natural numbers should yield the stream of odd numbers, and filtering in the even numbers in the stream of natural numbers should yield the stream of even numbers.

Could you define stream_filter_in using stream_filter_out?

According to its type, stream_filter_in returns a stream. Could it not return any result at all?

Eratosthenes’s sieve

The following OCaml function implements the sieve of Eratosthenes:

let stream_of_prime_numbers =
  let rec down_this_stream (Scons (x, ds')) =
    Scons (x, lazy (down_this_stream (stream_filter_out_v3 (fun i -> i mod x = 0) (Lazy.force ds'))))
  in down_this_stream (stream_make 2 succ);;

Starting from the sieve of natural numbers greater than 1, all the multiples of 2, 3, 5, etc. are filtered out, yielding the stream of prime numbers:

# stream_prefix stream_of_prime_numbers 20;;
- : int list =
[2; 3; 5; 7; 11; 13; 17; 19; 23; 29; 31; 37; 41; 43; 47; 53; 59; 61; 67; 71]

Exercise 24

The goal of this exercise is to study the function that, given a stream, computes the stream of the successive differences between two consecutive elements in the given stream.

In other words, given the stream [v0; v1; v2; ...[, this function should return the stream [v1 - v0; v2 - v1; v3 - v2; ...[.

  1. Implement this function.
  2. Visualize the result of applying this function to the stream of prime numbers (starting from 2). What do you observe?
  3. Visualize the result of applying this function to the stream of natural numbers (starting from 0). What do you observe?
  4. Visualize the result of applying this function to the result of applying this function to the stream of natural numbers (starting from 0). What do you observe?
  5. Visualize the result of applying this function to the stream of successive square numbers (starting from 0). What do you observe?
  6. Visualize the result of applying this function to the result of applying this function to the stream of successive square numbers (starting from 0). What do you observe?
  7. Visualize the result of applying this function to the result of applying this function to the result of applying this function to the stream of successive cubic numbers (starting from 0). What do you observe?

Abstract stream transducers

The goal of the game is to map a stream of pairs into a stream of triples and vice-versa in such a way that the elements in the input stream occur in the same order in the output stream.

Let us characterize a stream of pairs of successive non-negative integers as well as a stream of triples of successive non-negative integers:

let test_stream_of_pairs_of_successive_non_negative_integers candidate =
  let b0 = (stream_prefix candidate 0 =
  and b1 = (stream_prefix candidate 1 =
              [(0, 1)])
  and b7 = (stream_prefix candidate 7 =
              [(0, 1); (2, 3); (4, 5); (6, 7); (8, 9); (10, 11); (12, 13)])
  in b0 && b1 && b7;;

let test_stream_of_triples_of_successive_non_negative_integers candidate =
  let b0 = (stream_prefix candidate 0 =
  and b1 = (stream_prefix candidate 1 =
              [(0, 1, 2)])
  and b5 = (stream_prefix candidate 5 =
              [(0, 1, 2); (3, 4, 5); (6, 7, 8); (9, 10, 11); (12, 13, 14)])
  in b0 && b1 && b5;;

Here are two quick-and-dirty implementations:

let stream_of_pairs_of_successive_non_negative_integers_v0 =
  stream_make (0, 1) (fun (_, j) -> (j + 1, j + 2));;

let stream_of_triples_of_successive_non_negative_integers_v0 =
  stream_make (0, 1, 2) (fun (_, _, k) -> (k + 1, k + 2, k + 3));;


  • the first stream is built out of an initial pair (0, 1) and an endofunction that maps a pair to the next pair; and
  • the second stream is built out of an initial triple (0, 1, 2) and an endofunction that maps a triple to the next triple.

These implementations pass the unit tests:

# test_stream_of_pairs_of_successive_non_negative_integers stream_of_pairs_of_successive_non_negative_integers_v0;;
- : bool = true
# test_stream_of_triples_of_successive_non_negative_integers stream_of_triples_of_successive_non_negative_integers_v0;;
- : bool = true

We are now in position to write two unit-test functions for functions that map a stream of pairs to a stream of triples and vice-versa:

let test_transduce_2_3_int candidate =
  let b0 = test_stream_of_triples_of_successive_non_negative_integers
             (candidate stream_of_pairs_of_successive_non_negative_integers_v0)
  and b1 = let n = 100
           in stream_prefix (candidate stream_of_pairs_of_successive_non_negative_integers_v0) n
              = stream_prefix stream_of_triples_of_successive_non_negative_integers_v0 n
  in b0 && b1;;

let test_transduce_3_2_int candidate =
  let b0 = test_stream_of_pairs_of_successive_non_negative_integers
             (candidate stream_of_triples_of_successive_non_negative_integers_v0)
  and b1 = let n = 100
           in stream_prefix (candidate stream_of_triples_of_successive_non_negative_integers_v0) n
              = stream_prefix stream_of_pairs_of_successive_non_negative_integers_v0 n
  in b0 && b1;;

The key idea is to consume the input stream until enough elements are gathered to produce the output stream, and then loop when all the input elements have been emitted:

let rec transduce_2_3 (Scons ((v1, v2), ds1)) =
     (* transduce_2_3 : ('a * 'a) stream -> ('a * 'a * 'a) stream *)
  let (Scons ((v3, v4), ds2)) = Lazy.force ds1
     in Scons ((v1, v2, v3),
               lazy (let (Scons ((v5, v6), ds3)) = Lazy.force ds2
                     in Scons ((v4, v5, v6),
                               lazy (transduce_2_3 (Lazy.force ds3)))));;

let rec transduce_3_2 (Scons ((v1, v2, v3), ds1)) =
     (* transduce_3_2 : ('a * 'a * 'a) stream -> ('a * 'a) stream *)
  Scons ((v1, v2),
         lazy (let (Scons ((v4, v5, v6), ds2)) = Lazy.force ds1
               in Scons ((v3, v4),
                         lazy (Scons ((v5, v6),
                                      lazy (transduce_3_2 (Lazy.force ds2)))))));;

These two functions pass their unit tests:

# test_transduce_2_3_int transduce_2_3;;
- : bool = true
# test_transduce_3_2_int transduce_3_2;;
- : bool = true

More abstract stream transducers

Can we make do without the two quick-and-dirty implementations of the streams of pairs (and of triples) of successive non-negative integers?

Yes we can, if we first implement a transducer that maps a stream into a stream of pairs in such a way that the elements in the input stream occur in the same order in the output stream:

let rec transduce_1_2 (Scons (v1, ds1)) =
    (* transduce_1_2 : 'a stream -> ('a * 'a) stream *)
  let (Scons (v2, ds2)) = Lazy.force ds1
  in Scons ((v1, v2), lazy (transduce_1_2 (Lazy.force ds2)));;

Then it is simple to obtain a stream of pairs of successive non-negative integers:

let stream_of_pairs_of_successive_non_negative_integers_v1 =
  transduce_1_2 nats;;

This implementation passes the unit test:

# test_stream_of_pairs_of_successive_non_negative_integers stream_of_pairs_of_successive_non_negative_integers_v1;;
- : bool = true

Ditto for obtaining a stream of triples of successive non-negative integers:

let stream_of_triples_of_successive_non_negative_integers_v1 =
  transduce_2_3 (transduce_1_2 nats);;

This implementation passes the unit test:

# test_stream_of_triples_of_successive_non_negative_integers stream_of_triples_of_successive_non_negative_integers_v1;;
- : bool = true

And we are now in position to define a polymorphic transducer that maps a stream into a stream of triples in such a way that the elements in the input stream occur in the same order in the output stream:

let transduce_1_3 s =
 (* transduce_1_3 : 'a stream -> ('a * 'a * 'a) stream *)
  transduce_2_3 (transduce_1_2 s);;

The stream of Fibonacci numbers

It is simple to construct the stream of Fibonacci numbers:

let test_fibs candidate =
  match candidate with
  | Scons (0, s1) ->
     (match Lazy.force s1 with
      | Scons (1, s2) ->
         (match Lazy.force s2 with
          | Scons (1, s3) ->
             (match Lazy.force s3 with
              | Scons (2, s4) ->
                 (match Lazy.force s4 with
                  | Scons (3, s5) ->
                     (match Lazy.force s5 with
                      | Scons (5, s6) ->
                         (match Lazy.force s6 with
                          | Scons (8, s7) ->
                             (match Lazy.force s7 with
                              | Scons (13, s7) ->
                              |  _ ->
                          |  _ ->
                      |  _ ->
                  |  _ ->
              |  _ ->
          |  _ ->
      |  _ ->
  | _ ->

let rec fib n =
  match n with
  | 0 -> 0
  | 1 -> 1
  | _ -> fib (n - 1) + fib (n - 2);;

let fibs_from_scratch =
  let rec make_fibs n =
    Scons (fib n, lazy (make_fibs (succ n)))
  in make_fibs 0;;

In this definition, make_fibs is passed the index of the Fibonacci number to construct, and successively applies it as the stream is constructed.

Of course this is something that we have to test:

# test_fibs fibs_from_scratch;;
- : bool = true

Exercise 25

The present exercise makes use of the function how_long : (unit -> 'a) -> string * 'a that, given a parameterless function (a “thunk”), applies this thunk and returns the result of this application as well as how long it took for OCaml to perform this application:

# how_long (fun () -> 42);;
- : string * int = ("Elapsed time: 0.000006 seconds", 42)
  1. Construct the prefix of the first 35 elements of fibs_from_scratch and measure how long this computation takes.

    In other words, evaluate how_long (fun () -> stream_prefix fibs_from_scratch 35);; at the OCaml toplevel loop.

  2. Construct again the prefix of the first 35 elements of fibs_from_scratch and measure how long this computation takes.

    In other words, evaluate how_long (fun () -> stream_prefix fibs_from_scratch 35);; again at the OCaml toplevel loop.

  3. Compare the two durations:

    1. Is the second computation faster than the first one? Why?
    2. If you were to evaluate how_long (fun () -> stream_prefix fibs_from_scratch 35);; a third time, would this computation be slower or faster than the second time? Why?
  1. Now evaluate how_long (fun () -> stream_prefix fibs_from_scratch 34);; at the OCaml toplevel loop:
    1. Is this first computation slow or fast? Why?
    2. If you were to evaluate how_long (fun () -> stream_prefix fibs_from_scratch 34);; a second time, would this second computation be slower or faster than the first one? Why?
    3. If you were to evaluate how_long (fun () -> stream_prefix fibs_from_scratch 34);; a third time, would this third computation be slower or faster than the second one? Why?
  1. Now evaluate how_long (fun () -> stream_prefix fibs_from_scratch 36);; at the OCaml toplevel loop:
    1. Is this first computation slow or fast? Why?
    2. If you were to evaluate how_long (fun () -> stream_prefix fibs_from_scratch 36);; a second time, would this second computation be slower or faster than the first one? Why?
    3. If you were to evaluate how_long (fun () -> stream_prefix fibs_from_scratch 36);; a third time, would this third computation be slower or faster than the second one? Why?

The stream of Fibonacci numbers, incrementally

In the definition of fibs_from_scratch, fib is invoked to construct each successive element of the stream, and therefore each successive Fibonacci number is computed from scratch. However, there is a simple relation between three consecutive Fibonacci numbers: by definition, adding the two first ones gives the third. Let us exploit this fact to implement an alternative version fibs_incremental as a simple example of incremental computing:

let fibs_incremental =
  let rec make_fibs fib_i fib_succ_i =
    Scons (fib_i, lazy (make_fibs fib_succ_i (fib_i + fib_succ_i)))
  in make_fibs 0 1;;

In this definition, make_fibs is passed two consecutive Fibonacci numbers:

  • call #0 (i.e., first call): make_fibs 0 1
  • call #1 (i.e., second call): make_fibs 1 1
  • call #2 (i.e., third call): make_fibs 1 2
  • call #3 (i.e., fourth call): make_fibs 2 3
  • call #4 (i.e., fifth call): make_fibs 3 5
  • ...
  • call #i: make_fibs fib_i fib_i_plus_1
  • etc.

And it passes the unit test too:

# test_fibs fibs_incremental;;
- : bool = true

Exercise 26

Like Exercise 25, the present exercise also makes use of the function how_long : (unit -> 'a) -> string * 'a.

  1. Construct the prefix of the first 91 elements of fibs_incremental and measure how long this computation takes.

    In other words, evaluate how_long (fun () -> stream_prefix fibs_incremental 91);; at the OCaml toplevel loop.

  2. Construct again the prefix of the first 91 elements of fibs_incremental and measure how long this computation takes.

    In other words, evaluate how_long (fun () -> stream_prefix fibs_incremental 91);; again at the OCaml toplevel loop.

  3. Compare the two durations:

    1. Is the second computation faster than the first one? Why?
    2. If you were to evaluate how_long (fun () -> stream_prefix fibs_incremental 91);; a third time, would this computation be slower or faster than the second time? Why?
  1. Now evaluate how_long (fun () -> stream_prefix fibs_incremental 90);; at the OCaml toplevel loop:
    1. Is this first computation slow or fast? Why?
    2. If you were to evaluate how_long (fun () -> stream_prefix fibs_incremental 90);; a second time, would this second computation be slower or faster than the first one? Why?
    3. If you were to evaluate how_long (fun () -> stream_prefix fibs_incremental 90);; a third time, would this third computation be slower or faster than the second one? Why?
  1. Now evaluate how_long (fun () -> stream_prefix fibs_incremental 92);; at the OCaml toplevel loop:
    1. Is this first computation slow or fast? Why?
    2. If you were to evaluate how_long (fun () -> stream_prefix fibs_incremental 92);; a second time, would this second computation be slower or faster than the first one? Why?
    3. If you were to evaluate how_long (fun () -> stream_prefix fibs_incremental 92);; a third time, would this third computation be slower or faster than the second one? Why?
    4. What do you make of the last element of the prefix?


Alfrothul: On the other hand, why wait?

Anton: Well, we are talking about demand-driven computation here, so, very much on the one hand and not on the other. But that’s probably not what you mean. What do you mean?

Alfrothul: Right. I mean, in the definition of fibs_incremental, why wait until the next call to make_fibs to emit the second Fibonacci number? We have it right at hand, look:

let fibs_incremental =
  let rec make_fibs fib_i fib_succ_i =
    Scons (fib_i, lazy (make_fibs fib_succ_i (fib_i + fib_succ_i)))
  in make_fibs 0 1;;

Anton: Oh, you mean that hand. That would work – we just need to manufacture the next two Fibonacci numbers in the next recursive call:

let fibs_incremental' =
  let rec make_fibs fib_i fib_i_plus_1 =
    Scons (fib_i,
           lazy (Scons (fib_i_plus_1,
                        let fib_i_plus_2 = fib_i + fib_i_plus_1
                        in let fib_i_plus_3 = fib_i_plus_1 + fib_i_plus_2
                           in lazy (make_fibs fib_i_plus_2 fib_i_plus_3))))
  in make_fibs 0 1;;

Pablito (always helpful): This implementation passes the unit tests:

# test_fibs fibs_incremental';;
- : bool = true

Alfrothul: And now there are half as many recursive calls to make_fibs.

Anton: There were infinitely many calls, and now there are half as many. Yay.

Alfrothul: Also there is less argument shuffling at each recursive call, which I hear is always A Good Thing.

Exercise 27

Implement two versions of the stream of Factorial numbers: one should construct each successive element of the stream from scratch, and the other should use an incremental construction.


Anton: I don’t know whether it is more efficient or what, but we could obtain posnats, the increasing stream of positive natural numbers, just by taking the tail of nats, lazily. Look:

# test_posnats (stl nats);;
- : bool = true

Alfrothul: True. Or by recursively mapping the successor function over nats, also lazily, that would work too:

# test_posnats (stream_map succ nats);;
- : bool = true

Anton: Right, but that would produce a new stream.

Alfrothul: Yes it would. If we recursively map the identity function over a given stream, we get another stream – an indistinguishable copy of this given stream:

let stream_identity s =
 (* stream_identity : 'a stream -> 'a stream *)
  stream_map (fun v -> v) s;;

Anton: Hum. Since the stream is constructed on demand, do you think that we could construct it out of itself?

Alfrothul: You mean like Jörmungandr?

Halcyon (interjecting a precision): Ouroboros for the rest of us.

Anton: More like its dual since it would construct itself by eating its own head, not its own tail.

Alfrothul (meditatively): Could it even reach its tail?

Anton: A good question, Alfrothul, a good question. But assuming it could, that wouldn’t actually be its head or its tail.

Alfrothul: Right. That would be a copy of its head or of its tail. But it wouldn’t know the difference, since there isn’t any.

Anton: Anyhow, the idea is that the stream of natural numbers would start with 0, and then continue with the result of mapping the successor function over itself.

Alfrothul: You mean like this:

let rec nats_bootstrapped =
  Scons (0, lazy (stream_map succ nats_bootstrapped));;

Anton: Well, OCaml accepts that definition as something well typed.

Pablito: And it passes the unit test:

# test_nats (nats_bootstrapped);;
- : bool = true

Anton: Still, to see is to believe. Let’s compute a prefix:

# stream_prefix nats_bootstrapped 10;;
- : int list = [0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9]

Alfrothul: Oh, my.

Loki: Guys, I’m so proud of you! And thank you too for remembering Jörmungandr.

Dana (coughing in her hand): Fathers.

Loki (blissfully): In a similar vein, you know what happens if you add pointwise the stream of Fibonacci numbers and its tail?

Anton (fast on the keyboard): You mean like this:

# stream_prefix (stream_map2 (+) fibs_incremental (stl fibs_incremental)) 15;;
- : int list = [1; 2; 3; 5; 8; 13; 21; 34; 55; 89; 144; 233; 377; 610; 987]

Alfrothul: Ohmygoshes!

Loki (modestly): Thank you.

Alfrothul (not even noticing the interruption): We obtain a copy of the tail of the tail of the stream of Fibonacci numbers. How ...amusing.

Anton: Hey, we could pull the same stunt and define the stream of Fibonacci numbers like that. Look:

let rec fibs_bootstrapped =
  Scons (0, lazy (Scons (1, lazy (stream_map2 (+) fibs_bootstrapped (stl fibs_bootstrapped)))));;

Alfrothul: Well, OCaml accepts that definition as something well typed.

Pablito: And it passes the unit test too:

# test_fibs fibs_bootstrapped;;
- : bool = true

Anton: Still, to see is to believe. Let’s compute a prefix:

# stream_prefix fibs_bootstrapped 17;;
- : int list = [0; 1; 1; 2; 3; 5; 8; 13; 21; 34; 55; 89; 144; 233; 377; 610; 987]

Anton: Wow. It’s like the stream is braiding itself.

Alfrothul: And pulling each next number out of the resulting braid, yes. Actually, it is the same point as in nats_bootstrapped.

Anton: The things you get when putting recursion and laziness together...

Loki (unashamedly): Who would have thunk.

Alfrothul: I guess we should be careful what we wish for.

A passing drunkard, three identical bottles of beer tucked under one arm: Live and learn, young man. Live and learn.



The example of the stream transducers from pairs to triples and from triples to pairs is due to Carolyn L. Talcott.


Created [27 Oct 2022]