So far, all our declarations have been either
The visibility of these declarations is then regulated by lexical scope.
OCaml also provides a way
The type of a module is called its signature and it provides an interface between what the module is supposed to offer (from the point of view of its user) and how it is achieving this offer (from the point of view of its implementer). Modules provide language support for writing libraries as well as for implementing abstract data types.
So far, we have been operating with the following BNF of OCaml, essentially:
<type> ::= int
| bool
| ...
| <type> -> <type>
| <type> * <type> {* <type>}*
| ...
<declaration> ::= let <name> {: <type>}? = <expression> {and <name> = <expression>}*
| type <name> = ...
<expression> ::= <literal>
| <name>
| if <expression> then <expression> else <expression>
| let <name> {: <type>}? = <expression> {and <name> = <expression>}* in <expression>
| ...
Taking modules into account, this BNF is:
The extension and modification of this BNF reads:
<type> ::= ...
<declaration> ::= ...
| module <name> = <structure>
<structure> ::= struct {<declaration>}* end
<expression> ::= ...
| <name>{.<name>}*
| ...
To summarize, modules are named structures that group declarations.
Anton: We have already encountered this dot notation, haven’t we?
Alfrothul: Yes we have. Take the list accessors List.hd and, for example.
Pablito: And List.rev too.
Mimer: That is because OCaml is implemented in OCaml and lists are implemented in a module named List. Each of the functions hd, tl, and rev are declared in that module.
Alfrothul: And the capitalization in the name “List”?
Mimer: OCaml expects the name of modules to start with a capital letter.
Anton: Just like the name of data-type constructors?
Mimer: Just like the name of data-type constructors.
Our first module is named First_v0, and it consists of a structure that groups the declaration of two variables, b, and n:
module First_v0 =
let b = true
let n = 33
Outside this module, we can refer to, e.g., n by writing First_v0.n. For example, the expression First_v0.n + 11 evaluates to 44.
The type of the structure denoted by First_v0 – its signature – reads as follows:
module First_v0 :
val b : bool
val n : int
This signature conveys that the structure denoted by First_v0 contains two declarations, and it specifies the names of the variables that are declared, together with their type, in the order they were declared.
Define a module named Zeroth_v0 and consisting of an empty structure, i.e., a structure that groups the declaration of zero variables. What does its signature look like?
Let’s ask OCaml:
# module Zeroth_v0 =
module Zeroth_v0 : sig end
The structure and the signature are both empty.
In a structure, each declaration is processed sequentially, using the same lexical-scope discipline as at the OCaml toplevel. For example, let us extend our first module with a third declaration that refers to an earlier declaration in the structure:
module Second_v0 =
let b = true
let n = 33
let i = n + 11
Once this module is declared, Second_v0.i denotes 44.
The type of the structure denoted by Second_v0 – its signature – reads as follows:
module Second_v0 :
val b : bool
val n : int
val i : int
This signature conveys that the structure denoted by Second_v0 contains three declarations.
Pablito: Can I check something?
Mimer: By all means.
Pablito: <clickety clickety clickety click>:
# let an_int n = let () = Printf.printf "processing %d...\n" n in n;;
val an_int : int -> int = <fun>
Mimer (smiling): OK.
Pablito: And now:
# module Checking_something = struct let x1 = an_int 1 let x2 = an_int 2 end;;
processing 1...
processing 2...
module Checking_something : sig val x1 : int val x2 : int end
Mimer: So?
Pablito: So the declarations in a module are processed from left to right, i.e., from the first to the last, in that order.
Mimer: OK then?
Pablito: Just a sec:
# module Checking_something_else = struct let x1 = an_int 1 and x2 = an_int 2 end;;
processing 1...
processing 2...
module Checking_something_else : sig val x1 : int val x2 : int end
Mimer: So?
Pablito: So OCaml’s processing order is the same in a module as it is, e.g., at its toplevel.
Mimer: Yup.
Lexical scope oblige, in a structure, we can declare variables with the same name. These names then shadow the earlier names:
module Third_v0 =
let b = true
let n = 33
let i = n + 11
let i = n
and n = i
and b' = i < n
The signature of this module, i.e., the type of the structure denoted by Third_v0, reads as follows:
module Third_v0 :
val b : bool
val i : int
val n : int
val b' : bool
This signature contains four declarations because in the six declarations in Third_v0, the initial declarations of n and i are shadowed by the subsequent ones. The order of the declarations, in this signature, reflects the order in which each (non-shadowed) variable has been declared. Reflecting the parallelism of the last let-expression in the module, Third_v0.i denotes 33, Third_v0.n denotes 44, and Third_v0.b' denotes false.
To wit:
# module Third_v0 =
let b = true
let n = 33
let i = n + 11
let i = n
and n = i
and b' = i < n
module Third_v0 : sig val b : bool val i : int val n : int val b' : bool end
# Third_v0.i = 33 && Third_v0.n = 44 && Third_v0.b = true;;
- : bool = true
Since the declaration of a module is, well, a declaration, we can declare a module in a module:
module Fourth_v0 =
let x = 10
module July =
let y = 20
let z = 30
Once this module is declared,
Its signature reads as follows:
module Fourth_v0 :
val x : int
module July :
val y : int
val z : int
To wit:
# module Fourth_v0 =
let x = 10
module July =
let y = 20
let z = 30
module Fourth_v0 : sig val x : int module July : sig val y : int end val z : int end
# Fourth_v0.x = 10 && Fourth_v0.July.y = 20 && Fourth_v0.z = 30;;
- : bool = true
Pick a name for a non-existent month (e.g., Juillet) and declare an alternative version of Module Fourth_v0 (e.g., Quatorze) where Module July is replaced by an empty module (like in Exercise 08) named after this non-existent month. What does the signature of your alternative version of Module Fourth_v0 look like?
The alternative version reads as follows:
module Quatorze =
let x = 10
module Juillet =
let z = 30
Its signature reads as follows (courtesy of OCaml):
# module Quatorze =
let x = 10
module Juillet =
let z = 30
module Quatorze : sig val x : int module Juillet : sig end val z : int end
The signature of Juillet, in the signature of Quatorze, is empty.
OCaml also provides a way to name the signature of modules. Taking this feature into account, its BNF reads:
<type> ::= ...
<type-declaration> ::= val <name> : <type>
| module <name> : <signature>
<signature> ::= <name>
| sig {<type-declaration>}* end
<structure> ::= <name>
| struct {<declaration>}* end
<declaration> ::= ...
| module <name> {: <signature>}? = <structure>
| module type <name> = <signature>
<expression> ::= ...
Let us name the signature of the first module:
module type FIRST =
val b : bool
val n : int
We are now in position to revisit the first module and explicitly declare it with this signature:
module First_v1 : FIRST =
let b = true
let n = 33
To wit:
# module First_v1 : FIRST =
let b = true
let n = 33
module First_v1 : FIRST
Here is the named signature:
module type ZEROTH =
Here is the empty module:
module Zeroth_v1 : ZEROTH =
To wit:
# module type ZEROTH = sig end;;
module type ZEROTH = sig end
# module Zeroth_v1 : ZEROTH = struct end;;
module Zeroth_v1 : ZEROTH
Let us name the signature of the second module:
module type SECOND =
val b : bool
val n : int
val i : int
We can also revisit the second module and explicitly declare it with this signature... or with the same signature as First_v1, since it is more restrictive:
module Second_v1 : SECOND =
let b = true
let n = 33
let i = n + 11
module Second_v2 : FIRST =
let b = true
let n = 33
let i = n + 11
Henceforth the interface to Second_v2 is restricted to b and n: Second_v2.b and Second_v2.n are defined but not Second_v2.i: i has become private to the implementer of Second_v2.
To wit:
# Second_v1.b = true && Second_v2.b = true;;
- : bool = true
# Second_v1.n = 33 && Second_v2.n = 33;;
- : bool = true
# Second_v1.i;;
- : int = 44
# Second_v2.i;;
Characters 0-10:
Error: Unbound value Second_v2.i
What would happen if Second_v2 was to be explicitly declared with the signature ZEROTH?
Here is what OCaml says:
# module Second_v3 : ZEROTH = struct let b = true let n = 33 let i = n + 11 end;;
module Second_v3 : ZEROTH
Because of its restricted signature, we cannot access any of the names declared in Second_v2:
# Second_v1.b;;
- : bool = true
# Second_v3.b;;
Characters 0-14:
Error: Unbound value Second_v3.b
These names have become private to the implementer of Second_v3.
We can finally revisit the third module and declare it with an explicit (unnamed) signature, because OCaml also allows that:
module Third_v1 : sig val b : bool val b' : bool end =
let b = true
let n = 33
let i = n + 11
let i = n
and n = i
and b' = i < n
Henceforth the interface to Third_v1 is restricted to b and b': i and n have become private to its implementer.
What would happen if Third_v1 was to be explicitly declared with the empty signature, i.e., with sig end?
Let’s ask OCaml:
# module Third_v2 : sig end =
let b = true
let n = 33
let i = n + 11
let i = n
and n = i
and b' = i < n
module Third_v2 : sig end
OCaml accepts this declaration. To us users, Third_v2 behaves as the empty module.
Just as OCaml features functions as expressions where a variable has been abstracted to denote [the value of] another expression, it also features functors as modules where a variable has also been abstracted to denote another structure. Taking this feature into account, its BNF reads:
<type> ::= ...
<type-declaration> ::= val <name> : <type>
| module <name> : <signature>
<signature> ::= <name>
| sig {<type-declaration>}* end
| functor (<name> : <signature>) -> <signature>
<structure> ::= <name>
| struct {<declaration>}* end
| functor (<name> : <signature>) -> <structure>
| <structure> (<structure>)
<declaration> ::= let <name> = <expression> {and <name> = <expression>}*
| module <name> {: <signature>}? = <structure>
| module type <name> = <signature>
<expression> ::= ...
| <name>{.<name>}*
| ...
Applying a functor to an argument of a suitable type then yields a module where the variable is instantiated with this argument.
For example, the following functor is parameterized with a module of type FIRST:
module Second_maker_v0 =
functor (M : FIRST) ->
let b = M.b
let n = M.n
let i = n + 11
Applying Second_maker_v0 to a module of type FIRST yields a module that has the same signature as that of Module Second_v0. In this module, b and n respectively denote the values of b and n in the argument of type FIRST.
Anton: You remember the syntactic sugar for function declarations in OCaml?
Alfrothul: Beg pardon?
Anton: You know, for example the identity function or the successor function:
let identity = fun x -> x;;
let successor = fun i -> i + 1;;
Alfrothul: You mean syntactic sugar like this, so that we don’t write the keyword fun:
let identity x =
let successor i =
i + 1;;
Anton: Yes. Well, there is a similar syntactic sugar for functors. For example, Second_maker_v0 can also be declared without writing the keyword functor:
module Second_maker_v1 (M : FIRST) =
let b = M.b
let n = M.n
let i = n + 11
Alfrothul: Ah, OK.
Let us applying Functor Second_maker_v0 to Module First_v1, which is suitably typed:
# module Second_v4 = Second_maker_v0 (First_v1);;
module Second_v4 : sig val b : bool val n : int val i : int end
As one can see, the resulting module has the same signature as that of Second_v0. Therefore we can declare it as having this explicit signature:
# module Second_v5 : SECOND = Second_maker_v0 (First_v1);;
module Second_v5 : SECOND
We can also declare it with the same restriction as before, should we so wish:
# module Second_v6 : FIRST = Second_maker_v0 (First_v1);;
module Second_v6 : FIRST
What would happen if the result of applying Second_maker_v0 to First_v1 was to be explicitly declared
Let’s ask OCaml:
# module Second_v7 : ZEROTH = Second_maker_v0 (First_v1);;
module Second_v7 : ZEROTH
# module Second_v8 : sig end = Second_maker_v0 (First_v1);;
module Second_v8 : sig end
OCaml accepts these two declarations. To us users, these modules behave as the empty module.
A functor can also return another functor:
module Compound_maker_maker =
functor (X : sig val x : int end) ->
functor (Y : sig val y : int end) ->
let x = X.x
let y = Y.y
We can then instantiate it with one structure:
module Compound_maker =
Compound_maker_maker (struct let x = 10 end);;
The resulting functor can then be instantiated with another structure:
module Compound =
Compound_maker (struct let y = 20 end);;
Alternatively, the initial functor can be instantiated with both structures at once:
module Compound_alt =
Compound_maker_maker (struct let x = 10 end) (struct let y = 20 end);;
Alfrothul (soberly): The syntactic sugar for functor declarations scales.
Anton: Beg pardon?
Alfrothul: For example, Compound_maker_maker can be declared without writing the keyword functor:
module Compound_maker_maker' (X : sig val x : int end) (Y : sig val y : int end) =
let x = X.x
let y = Y.y
Anton: Ah, OK.
Conversely to having functors return other functors, we can also apply functors to other functors:
module Full_of_emptiness (F : functor (M : sig end) -> sig end) =
F (struct end);;
Anton: This module language is like a functional language, isn’t it?
Alfrothul: Yes, it looks like: structures are named, just like [the values of] expressions are named. Also, they can be abstracted into a functor through a variable that stands for another structure.
Anton: Right: functors are to structures what functions are to expressions, since an expression can be abstracted into a function through a variable that stands for [the value of] another expression.
Alfrothul: And functors can both return and be applied to other functors.
Anton: So, a functional language of modules?
Alfrothul: A functional language of modules.
Anton: Do you think a functor could be recursive?
Alfrothul: Time out, Anton! Time out.
Created [10 Jan 2023]