Mini-project: Depth-first and breadth-first traversals
The goal of this mini-project is to spell out depth-first and
breadth-first traversals by solving Exercise 07
in detail.
In the accompanying resource file,
a type of binary tree is defined with a payload in the leaves:
type 'a binary_tree =
| Leaf of 'a
| Node of 'a binary_tree * 'a binary_tree;;
Four tree-traversing functions are defined that collect the payloads of
any given tree into a list:
- traverse_foo_lifo : 'a binary_tree -> 'a list,
- traverse_foo_fifo : 'a binary_tree -> 'a list,
- traverse_bar_lifo : 'a binary_tree -> 'a list, and
- traverse_bar_fifo : 'a binary_tree -> 'a list.
Friendly hints about the extensional questions:
- “extensional” means that the questions are about the “what” of the traversal;
- draw the four binary trees based on the convention that in
Node (x, y), x denotes the left subtree and y denotes
the right subtree.
For example, the tree Node (Node (Leaf 3, Leaf 9), Leaf 5) is depicted as follows:
Friendly hints about the intensional questions:
- “intensional” means that the questions are about the “how” of the traversal;
- use the traced versions of traverse_foo_lifo,
traverse_foo_fifo, traverse_bar_lifo, and traverse_bar_fifo
provided in the resource file to visualize how the traversals are
Extensional question #1
Analyze the output of these tree-traversing functions on the four given
trees t1, t2, t3, and t4. (In each case, one of the
resulting lists stands out.)
Extensional question #2
Characterize the traversal that each of these functions implements,
using the (self-explanatory) terms “depth first”, “breadth first”, “left
to right”, and “right to left”.
These terms are meant to be self-explanatory,
though we used “depth first” and “breadth first”
in Week 01
and “left to right” and “right to left”
in the midterm project.
Extensional question #3
Test your characterization with 4 new telling examples (and explain why
you find them telling).
Intensional question #1
Neither traverse_foo nor traverse_bar are structurally
recursive (and so could not be written using
fold_binary_tree). Why is that?
- A function is structurally recursive
when the type of its input is recursive (e.g., a list or a binary tree)
when it is defined with a base case and an induction step
where the recursive call implements the induction hypothesis.
- Here, process is defined recursively and its input is a queue.
Is the type of a queue recursive?
Intensional question #2 (time permitting)
- Could you write a version of traverse_foo_lifo that is
structurally recursive (and so could be written using
fold_binary_tree)? If so, do it. Otherwise, say why.
- Could you write a version of traverse_foo_fifo that is
structurally recursive (and so could be written using
fold_binary_tree)? If so, do it. Otherwise, say why.
- Could you write a version of traverse_bar_lifo that is
structurally recursive (and so could be written using
fold_binary_tree)? If so, do it. Otherwise, say why.
- Could you write a version of traverse_bar_fifo that is
structurally recursive (and so could be written using
fold_binary_tree)? If so, do it. Otherwise, say why.
Closing question (for the over-achievers)
Implement a functor (see Section Functors in the lecture
notes of Week 13) that is parameterized by a queue in a way such that
- instantiating this functor with Lifo yields a module containing two
functions, one equivalent to traverse_foo_lifo and the other to
traverse_bar_lifo, and
- instantiating this functor with Fifo yields a module containing two
functions, one equivalent to traverse_foo_fifo and the other to
Fixed two misspellings
[21 Jan 2023]
[03 Nov 2022]