Exercises for Week 07

Exercise 00

  1. The index of concepts for this week is in a separate chapter. Peruse it and make sure that its entries make sense to you (otherwise, click on them to check them out).
  2. The lecture notes start with updates (Chapter Lecture Notes, updates). Make sure to check them out regularly, as they reflect the development of the lecture.
  3. Do take the time to peruse the lecture notes of this week and to reproduce their OCaml content.
  4. What do you make of the recent opinion piece about fluffy things in The Octant?

Mandatory exercises

  • Exercise 00: perusing the index and checking the updates
  • Exercise 32 (from Week 06, and best solved after studying how OCaml programs are executed): analyzing traces of Fibonacci functions

Mandatory mini-projects


Added the pointer to The Octant [04 Mar 2023]

Created [18 Sep 2022]

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It doesn’t type

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Index of concepts for Week 07