The goal of this lecture note it to point out why some expressions do not have a type. Obviously, if a function expects an integer and it is applied to a Boolean, that is a type error: this application does not have a type, and neither does the expression that contains this application. Less obviously, an expression where a name is applied to itself does not have a type.
Anton: An expression where a name is applied to itself does not have a type?
Alfrothul: Apparently not:
# fun x -> x x;;
Characters 11-12:
fun x -> x x;;
Error: This expression has type 'a -> 'b
but an expression was expected of type 'a
The type variable 'a occurs inside 'a -> 'b
Anton: Do you understand this error message?
Alfrothul: Er... No.
Anton: Let’s build a proof tree then, picking t0 as the name of the putative type:
. |- fun x -> x x : t0
Alfrothul: We have no other choice but applying the FUN rule, which means that t0 must denote a function type, let’s say t1 -> t2, picking t1 as the name of the domain and t2 as the name of the co-domain.
Pablito: Let me make a note of that: t0 = t1 -> t2. Again.
Alfrothul: Thanks. Now for applying the FUN rule:
(x : t1), . |- x x : t2
FUN -----------------------
. |- fun x -> x x : t0
Anton: We have no other choice but applying the APP rule, which means that the type of x must be that of a function with t2 as codomain, let’s say t3 -> t2.
Pablito: Let me make a note of that: t1 = t3 -> t2.
Anton: Thanks. Now for applying the APP rule:
(x : t1), . |- x : t3 -> t2 (x : t1), . |- x : t3
APP ----------------------------------------------------
(x : t1), . |- x x : t2
FUN -----------------------
. |- fun x -> x x : t0
Alfrothul: For the left subgoal, we have no other choice but applying the LOOKUP_FOUND rule, which means that t1 and t3 -> t2 must be the same.
Pablito: Let me make a note of that: t1 = t3 -> t2, wait, I already did it.
Alfrothul: Thanks. Now for applying the LOOKUP_FOUND rule:
LOOKUP_FOUND ---------------------------
(x : t1), . |- x : t3 -> t2 (x : t1), . |- x : t3
APP ----------------------------------------------------
(x : t1), . |- x x : t2
FUN -----------------------
. |- fun x -> x x : t0
Anton: For the right subgoal, we also have no other choice but applying the LOOKUP_FOUND rule, which means that t1 and t3 must be the same.
Pablito: Let me make a note of that: t1 = t3.
Anton: Thanks. Now for applying the LOOKUP_FOUND rule:
LOOKUP_FOUND --------------------------- LOOKUP_FOUND ---------------------
(x : t1), . |- x : t3 -> t2 (x : t1), . |- x : t3
APP -----------------------------------------------------------------
(x : t1), . |- x x : t2
FUN -----------------------
. |- fun x -> x x : t0
Alfrothul: Our tree is now complete.
Pablito: So let’s look at the constraints we gathered on the way:
t0 = t1 -> t2
t1 = t3 -> t2
t1 = t3
Anton: The two last constraints imply the constraint t1 = t1 -> t2.
Alfrothul: Aha, this constraint has no more a solution than the equation x = x + 1 has one in algebra.
Anton: So fun x -> x x does not have a type.
Alfrothul: And in hindsight, the reason why is actually the one reported in the error message:
# fun x -> x x;;
Characters 11-12:
fun x -> x x;;
Error: This expression has type 'a -> 'b
but an expression was expected of type 'a
The type variable 'a occurs inside 'a -> 'b
Dana: Cognitive bootstrapping, here we come.
Created [10 Jan 2023]