Let us implement the abstract data type of environments using modules and signatures. Assuming a type for names, we first specify the type of environments together with its operators in a signature:
type name = string;;
module type ENVIRONMENT =
type 'a environment
val empty : 'a environment
val extend : name -> 'a -> 'a environment -> 'a environment
val lookup : name -> 'a environment -> 'a option
All we need to do now is to implement modules that satisfy this signature and the same unit test as before (see the lecture note on Environments):
let test_environment_int empty extend lookup =
let b0 = (lookup "x" empty
= None)
and b1 = (lookup "x" (extend "x" 2 empty)
= Some 2)
and b2 = (lookup "x" (extend "x" 2 (extend "x" 3 empty))
= Some 2)
and b3 = (lookup "x" (extend "y" 2 (extend "x" 3 empty))
= Some 3)
and b4 = (lookup "z" (extend "y" 2 (extend "x" 3 empty))
= None)
(* etc. *)
in b0 && b1 && b2 && b3 && b4;;
Let us relocate the implementation of environments as association lists in a module:
module Environment_alist : ENVIRONMENT =
type 'a environment = (name * 'a) list
let empty = []
let extend n d e
= (n, d) :: e
let lookup n e_current =
let rec look_it_up e =
match e with
| [] -> None
| (n', d) :: e' ->
if n = n'
then Some d
else look_it_up e'
in look_it_up e_current
This implementation passes the unit test:
# test_environment_int Environment_alist.empty
- : bool = true
Let us relocate the implementation of environments as functions in a module:
module Environment_fun : ENVIRONMENT =
type 'a environment = name -> 'a option
let empty =
fun n -> None
let extend n d e =
fun n' -> if n = n'
then Some d
else e n'
let lookup n e_current =
e_current n
This implementation passes the unit test:
# test_environment_int Environment_fun.empty
- : bool = true
Created [03 Nov 2022]