Let us implement the abstract data type of queues using modules and signatures. We first specify the type of queues together with its operators in a signature:
module type QUEUE =
type 'a queue
val empty : 'a queue
val is_empty : 'a queue -> bool
val enqueue : 'a -> 'a queue -> 'a queue
val dequeue : 'a queue -> ('a * 'a queue) option
val show : ('a -> string) -> 'a queue -> string
All we need to do now is to implement modules that satisfy this signature and the same unit tests as before (see the lecture note on Queues):
let test_lifo_queue_int empty is_empty enqueue dequeue =
let test_fifo_queue_int empty is_empty enqueue dequeue =
In this representation, a queue is a list of elements where the first element in this list shall be the first to be dequeued.
Let us relocate the implementation of LIFO queues as lists in a module:
module Lifo : QUEUE =
type 'a queue = 'a list
let empty = []
let is_empty q =
match q with
| [] ->
| _ :: _ ->
let is_empty' q =
q = []
let enqueue v q =
v :: q
let dequeue q =
match q with
| [] ->
| v :: q' ->
Some (v, q')
let show show_yourself q =
show_list show_yourself q
This implementation passes the unit test:
# test_lifo_queue_int Lifo.empty Lifo.is_empty Lifo.enqueue Lifo.dequeue;;
- : bool = true
In this representation, a queue is a list of elements where the last element in this list shall be the last to be dequeued. In other words, the first (to be dequeued) shall be the first (in the list).
Let us relocate Version 1 of the implementation of queues (in the lecture note on Queues) in a module:
module Fifo_v1 : QUEUE =
type 'a queue = 'a list
let empty = []
let is_empty q =
match q with
| [] ->
| _ :: _ ->
let is_empty' q =
q = []
let enqueue v q_init =
let rec prepend q =
match q with
| [] ->
v :: []
| v' :: q' ->
v' :: prepend q'
in prepend q_init
let dequeue q =
match q with
| [] ->
| v :: q' ->
Some (v, q')
let show show_yourself q =
show_list show_yourself q
This implementation passes the unit test:
# test_fifo_queue_int Fifo_v1.empty Fifo_v1.is_empty Fifo_v1.enqueue Fifo_v1.dequeue;;
- : bool = true
In this representation, a queue is a list of elements where the first element in this list shall be the last to be dequeued. In other words, the first (to be dequeued) shall be the last (in the list).
Let us relocate Version 2 of the implementation of queues (in the lecture note on Queues) in a module:
module Fifo_v2 : QUEUE =
type 'a queue = 'a list
let empty = []
let is_empty q =
match q with
| [] -> true
| _ :: _ -> false
let is_empty' q =
q = []
let enqueue v q =
v :: q
let dequeue q =
match q with
| [] ->
| x :: q' ->
let rec traverse x q =
match q with
| [] ->
(x, [])
| x' :: q' ->
let (last_element, prefix) = traverse x' q'
in (last_element, x :: prefix)
in Some (traverse x q')
let show show_yourself q =
show_list show_yourself q
This implementation passes the unit test:
# test_fifo_queue_int Fifo_v2.empty Fifo_v2.is_empty Fifo_v2.enqueue Fifo_v2.dequeue;;
- : bool = true
In this representation, a queue is a list of elements together with a Boolean that specifies whether the last operation on this queue was enqueue or dequeue.
Let us relocate Version 3 of the implementation of queues (in the lecture note on Queues) in a module:
module Fifo_v3 : QUEUE =
type 'a queue = bool * 'a list
let empty =
(true, [])
let is_empty q =
match q with
| (_, []) ->
| (_, _ :: _) ->
let enqueue x (flag, xs) =
let xs = if flag
then xs
else List.rev xs
in (true, x :: xs)
let dequeue (flag, xs) =
let xs = if flag
then List.rev xs
else xs
in match xs with
| [] ->
| x :: xs' ->
Some (x, (false, xs'))
let show show_yourself (flag, xs) =
"(" ^ show_bool flag ^ ", " ^ show_list show_yourself xs ^ ")"
This implementation passes the unit test:
# test_fifo_queue_int Fifo_v3.empty Fifo_v3.is_empty Fifo_v3.enqueue Fifo_v3.dequeue;;
- : bool = true
In this representation, a queue is pair of lists of elements, one to dequeue in constant time, and one to enqueue in constant time.
Let us relocate Version 4 of the implementation of queues (in the lecture note on Queues) in a module:
module Fifo_v4 : QUEUE =
type 'a queue = 'a list * 'a list
let empty =
([], [])
let is_empty q =
q = ([], [])
let enqueue x (pool, reversed_prefix) =
(pool, x :: reversed_prefix)
let dequeue (pool, reversed_prefix) =
match pool with
| [] ->
(match List.rev reversed_prefix with
| [] ->
| x :: new_pool ->
Some (x, (new_pool, [])))
| x :: pool' ->
Some (x, (pool', reversed_prefix))
let show show_yourself (pool, reversed_prefix) =
"(" ^ show_list show_yourself pool ^ ", " ^ show_list show_yourself reversed_prefix ^ ")"
This implementation passes the unit test:
# test_fifo_queue_int Fifo_v4.empty Fifo_v4.is_empty Fifo_v4.enqueue Fifo_v4.dequeue;;
- : bool = true
In this representation, a queue pairs a lists of elements to dequeue in constant time and a function to construct the next list of elements to dequeue in constant time.
Let us relocate Version 5 of the implementation of queues (in the lecture note on Queues) in a module:
module Fifo_v5 : QUEUE =
type 'a queue = 'a list * ('a list -> 'a list)
let cons x xs =
x :: xs
let compose f g x =
f (g x)
let empty =
([], fun es -> es)
let is_empty (es, h) =
es = [] && h [] = []
let enqueue x (pool, h) =
(pool, compose h (cons x))
let dequeue (pool, h) =
match pool with
| [] ->
(match h [] with
| [] ->
| x :: new_pool ->
Some (x, (new_pool, fun es -> es)))
| x :: pool' ->
Some (x, (pool', h))
let show show_yourself (pool, h) =
"(" ^ show_list show_yourself pool ^ ", <function>)"
This implementation passes the unit test:
# test_fifo_queue_int Fifo_v5.empty Fifo_v5.is_empty Fifo_v5.enqueue Fifo_v5.dequeue;;
- : bool = true
Exercise 07, revisited ———-=———–
The goal of this exercise is to revisit Exercise 07 in the lecture note about Queues.
In the resource file for the present lecture note, you are welcome to see the various FIFO queues in action by applying either of
to any given binary tree.
Created [03 Nov 2022]